Friday, February 26, 2016


Thyroid- How does it work?

Thyroid is one of the largest glands of the endocrine system. Located in the front lower part of the neck it has the ability to control the metabolism of the whole human body. 
Thyroid conditions can be of two types- Hyperthyroidism and Hypothyroidism based on the abnormal production of the thyroid hormone.
Hyperthyroidism is the one where there is an overproduction of the thyroid hormones. On the other hand Hypothyroidism is the one where the level of thyroid hormone production is low.

Hypothyroidism as a side effect of cancer treatment


  • The treatment of certain cancers like lymphoma generally includes radiations around the neck region. The radiation often causes damage to the hormone producing cells in the thyroid glands and thereby lowering the hormones production.
  • Certain medications involved in cancer treatment can also be responsible for the thyroid blues.
  • Thyroid complications can be commonly seen in patients who have undergone Bone marrow transplants as a long-term condition.

How do I know if I have thyroid abnormalities?

Hypothyroidism is an unpredictable syndrome. It can give grave discomfort or no trouble at all. Here are some tests which can be performed to correctly detect your thyroid abnormalities.


  • TSH Test- a simple blood test is all that is needed here. This test indicates the level of the thyroid hormones.These values can vary from person to person, in general the test reference values looks something like this:
              0.4- Normal
              2.5-at risk
              4.0-mild hypothyroidism

Some symptoms of hypothyroidism


  • Constipation                                                                        
  • Depression
  • Dry skin
  • Hair loss
  • Difficulty in loosing weight or a sudden weight gain
  • Increased sensitivity to cold
  • Slower heart rate

Hypothyroidism-A Diet Plan


Beware of the following!

  • Soy-Phytoestrogens present in Soy often lower the effect of the enzyme which initiates the production of thyroid hormones.

  • Iodine rich food supplements- In some cases iodine can be beneficial but iodine consumed n excess amount can hamper the hormone production.

  • Iron and calcium supplements- they can interfere with the effectiveness of some thyroid production enzymes and thus should be avoided.

  • Fiber rich food items- Though food items with high fiber content is recommended but if taken in huge amounts it can interfere with the absorption of the thyroid hormone by the body. Thus avoiding vegetable like cabbage, broccoli, spinach etc is advisable.

  • Caffeine, tobacco and alcohol consumption can even interfere with the effective action of the thyroid hormones.

Food items to go for!

  • Fruits and veggies rich in antioxidants- Blueberries, tomatoes,bell peppers  rich in antioxidants can benefit the hormone producing capabilities of the thyroid gland

  • Selenium rich food items like sunflower seeds or basil nuts is highly beneficial for the proper functioning of the thyroid hormones.

  • Tyrosine supplements as recommended by the doctor is beneficial in proper  T3 and T4 production.
Few alternative treatments like including ayurvedic supplements in the diet can also help. Some plant extracts like ashwagandha, gotu kola,guggul are proven to be helpful. However, consulting a doctor before going for any of these is highly recommended


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Author- Ayantika Dey

Thursday, February 4, 2016


In today's so called 4g generation ‘Jo gol nahi hai', to every question however weird it may seem, internet is awashed with answers. But when it comes to healthcare the information is either outdated, not upto the mark or even worse misleading and far from authentic. When we talk about issues like cancer, which is one of the most dreaded word, it's important to break myths which are rooted in old theories and communication is the most important aspect to remove the cancer related stigma.
 So below are most prevalent 8 myths about cancer busted:

1. Cancer- a death sentence

Truth: Death is inevitable- don't we all know that? But hey! Cancer=death is not necessary. Today, medical science has come a long way and so has treatment of cancer. It definitely depends upon individual patient's lifestyle and other factors like stage and type of cancer but quality of life of cancer patients has improved.

2. Having sugar will worsen your cancer

Truth: Ok, let us get that straight, there is no scientific evidence that if you have cancer, eating sugar is going to harm you in anyway. Of Course, you are what you eat and it does affect your cancer risk but, eliminating all types of sugar(including natural sugars in fruits) will harm normal cells because they too require glucose to function and no, your not eating sugar will not shrink or affect your tumor anyway. So no need to ditch that sweet tooth yet! But having said above, one should reduce sugar in the diet.

3. Cancer is contagious

Truth: No! It's NOT contagious. You can't “catch” cancer from someone suffering from it by any sort of physical contact with them or breathing in the same air or sharing meals with them, except in rare cases of organ transplant wherein the donor has a history of cancer.

4. Cancer is hereditary

Truth: Research says only 5-10% of cancers can be inherited so it's not necessary if you have a family history of cancer you will suffer from it too and also it does not mean if you do not have a family history of cancer you will not suffer from it.

5. Only females suffer from breast cancer

Truth: Albeit, women are more likely to suffer from breast cancer that does not mean men can't suffer from it. Males too have breast tissue and they also suffer from breast cancer but breasts in males are not developed due to different hormones in males and females so chances are less.

6. Use of antiperspirants/deodorants causes breast cancer

Truth: According to scientific studies so far, no relation has been found between use of antiperspirants/deo and changes in cells of breast.

7. All cancers are same/cancer patients receive same kind of treatments

Truth: FALSE! There are over 100 types of cancer discovered and even if the cancer is of same type the treatments are tailored specifically for each patients depending upon location, stage and genes of individual patients. We all are different, right?

8. Cancer is extremely painful

Truth: Now that may sound true but no, not all people with cancer experience pain. It may be a side effect or symptom of cancer but it can be treated with certain medications and now a days there is a special type of care unit known as the palliative care which relieves side effects and symptoms of cancer.
So! Cancer does not necessarily have to be painful.

9. Cancer causes hair loss.


Truth: Cancer  does not causes hair loss but its treatment does . Yes, you heard it right. Chemo drugs are powerful medicines which kills rapidly growing cells which are present in our body. 

Unfortunately, they cannot differentiate between the good cells and the bad cells so in this process they end up killing the good cells too which includes the one which are responsible for our hair growth. 

These were some of the most common myths about cancer but there are many more myths which need to be taken care of!

 What to do?

First, and the foremost stop consulting Dr Google because Hey! Half knowledge is even dangerous than ignorance. There are many websites which lack credential information and are misleading. So it's better to take help from healthcare specialists and authentic sources. Lastly, stay positive and smile often!

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Author- Arundhati Sitoke

Monday, February 1, 2016


An ideal diet plan can be the key to any treatment. A well planned diet is very important as the treatments often result in side-effects like nausea and the taste changes leading to a loss of appetite. So, the choice food should be suitable to the body and should not cause any adverse effects. One should not have too many dietary restrictions.

A good diet for a cancer patient contains a mix of vegetables and meat with lot of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals. They should strictly avoidextremely sweet and oily foods.

Ideal cooking methods for them should be steaming, boiling, and stir-frying. Don’t do any deep frying, grilling, barbequing and baking items.

A balanced diet should be of
·        1. Proteins (which helps to build tissues, prevents infection, heal wounds and helps to maintain a healthy immune system);
·        2. Carbohydrates and Fats (helps in gaining energy - removes weakness);
·        3. Vitamins and Minerals (helps for proper growth, body functioning) and;
·        4. Have plenty of Water and Liquids to avoid dehydration.

Foods to Include In Your Diet:

These are some of the food which should be included in the diet of patients and help them overcome the pain with a strong body.


  • Lean meat, fish, poultry, and eggs.
  • Dairy products, nuts, dried beans, dhal and chickpeas.
  • Fish and soy(especially for prostate cancer).


  • Rice, chapatti, wholegrain bread,healthy pasta and noodles.
  • Potatoes, oats, wholegrain crackers,corn, beansand dairy products.
  • Honey (should be consumed in limited quantity so that its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties will possibly help in preventing infections).


  • Carrots, peas, tomatoes, pumpkin and turnips (vitamins and fibre).
  • Parsley (especially good for prostate cancer), tomatoes and tomato puree.
  • Cruciferous vegetables like cauliflower, broccoli and cabbage contain certain chemicals that will help to convert bad oestrogen into good oestrogen, and hence diminish cancer risk as well as the risk of deterioration.
  • Asparagus and Brussels sprouts for detoxification.
  • Bitter gourd (helps in lowering the blood sugar levels).
  • Green leafy vegetables (calcium and iron).


  • Oranges (vitamin C).
  • Bananas, mangoes, kiwi, peaches, pears and strawberries (vitamins and fibre).
  • Guava, apricots,avocadoes, figs, prunes and raisins (helps in regaining energy).

Foods to avoid:

  • Grilled, barbequed, deep fried, baked meats (since exposing animal protein to high heat creates carcinogenic by-products called heterocyclic amines and causes damage to system).
  • Excessive consumption of sugar, saltand extreme oily foods.
  • Red meat and processed meats such as ham, sausages, bacon.
  • Preserved foods like pickles, kiamchye (salted mustard green), jams and century eggs (contains nitrites which are carcinogenic).
  • Minimise alcohol consumption.


Furthermore, patients must avoid unbalancedconsumption of vitamin supplementsas they act as antioxidants and may hinder with chemotherapy treatment when taken in large doses.

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Author- Yamini Koneti