Thursday, March 5, 2015

He who has hope, has everything...

It is so difficult at times to look at the brighter side of things. We all have phases in life where nothing seems to be working for us. When diagnosed with cancer, the silver lining seems even more elusive and faint. 
There are umpteen studies to show that a positive mind helps us live longer, stronger and younger. While regular exercise and a balanced diet are definite requisites for a healthy life, optimism and positivity have definitely proven to be just as important. When a    person hopes and dreams, they tend to take better care of themselves. It is the conviction that gives any wrestler the strength to fight. So even when the darkest of tides seem to crash against us, we must try and stay afloat with the help of hope. It was a great poet, who said;

"Hope" is the thing with feathers— 
That perches in the soul— 
And sings the tune without the words— 
And never stops—at all—"

Every spiritual leader, religion and scripture tells us that our lives will be enriched and deepened in proportion to the amount of pain and grief we suffer. When a mountain is placed before us, as we scale it's slopes, we 
discover our own strengths and weaknesses. We acquaint ourselves with new experiences and build new memories. When the terrain gets particularly difficult, we discover ways to get past it. All the while our muscles develop so that we may challenge higher mountains. 

The trick is to keep moving on. Even if our steps are unsteady, and we are filled with doubt we must move forward with only the best of hopes in heart. So next time you feel you are going to snap beneath the burden, remember the following;

   1. God tests everyone, at some point or the other. But he always gives his loved ones the strength to pass those tests. So be thankful for those in your life, who always grasp your hand when you reach out. 
2. All of us paint pictures of ourselves 5-10 years from now in our minds. But that picture translates to reality for precious few. Life has the uncanny habit of throwing all of us unwelcome surprises. Just because it didn't turn out the way you imagined, doesn't mean   it isn't worth being thankful for. 
3.There is someone in the world at this instant, who is going through much worse than you. Think about those who have lost their homes, friends and families in mindless war,  of those who have NEVER had a meal big enough to fill their stomachs and perhaps never will. Thus be thankful for all the happy memories you have.

No one is saying this is easy, or belittling your battle. But since it IS such a big battle, equip yourself with more sanguinity. Take one day at a time. Make every moment count by doing things that give you joy. Read a book, sing a song, write a poem. Like Omar Khayyum said, "Be happy for this moment, this moment is your life".

Books of the week,
A thousand splendid suns, Khaled Hosseini 
Freedom in Exile, Autobiography of the Dalai Lama

Videos of the week,