Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Facts about Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is the second most widely occurring cancer among women. Breast cancer is the type of cancer that develops in the breast cells. They generally start off in the inner lining of the milk ducts and can spread to other parts of the body. Breast cancer can occur in both males and females.

Some interesting facts about Breast Cancer are provided below:


  • The possibility of occurrence is highly predicted after 40 years of age and older but in rare cases occurs in early age as well.
  • The higher toll of Breast Cancer cases in India is Goa.
  • Breast Cancer early detection is preferred to get maximum cure of at least 80% and every woman needs to consult a doctor to undergo a mammogram after 40 years of age for safety and as a precautionary measure.

  • The statistics on Breast Cancer occurrence shows that it is one in 30 in urban India and one in 65 in rural India.
  •  In recent times, Breast Cancer occurrence has overtaken Cervical Cancer toll in women in metropolitan cities like Bangalore, Mumbai, and Delhi.
  • Consult your doctors for a clinical breast examination in the interval of three years during your 20s and 30s and every year starting from the age of 40.

  • Consult your doctors without delay for any changes like lumps, pain and liquid discharge from your breasts. Breast self-exam (BSE) is a safer and precautionary test for women starting in their 20s.
  • Breast Cancer is on a higher toll due to changing lifestyle, dietary habits, women opting for babies at a later stage in life and lower duration of lactation are some of the risk bearing factors for women in urban India.
  • Sophisticated treatments are available in India which removes the fear in women of losing their breasts due to breast Cancer. It encourages patients to overcome the social, economic, marital and psychological consequences faced by women in India.

  • The statistics of breast cancer by WHO states that the toll of breast cancer is on a higher pace than heart ailments and would be highlighted as the deadliest disease in the next two years.
  • By 2030, new breast cancer cases is predicted to rise up to 27 million with estimated deaths of 17 million looking into various factors like environment  and food habits, economic levels of the nation, chemicals, medicinal usage, education on precautionary measures.
  •  Early detection of breast cancer helps in survival rate of as high as 98% as per the statistics.
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Author- Shashwathi Srinivasa


  1. Structured differently from men- physically, emotionally and genetically, women today suffer from a multitudinous range of diseases and topping the chart is Breast cancer. According to Population based Cancer Registry of India, a quarter of the all women suffering from cancer in India are breast cancer patients. This staggering figure rings a bell of alarm and evokes a plaintive yelp of concern.

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